Automatic Proposal
Generation with AI

Save days of work with the first AI Assistant for creating public sector proposals

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Complete generated proposals within minutes

Let Artificial Intelligence handle the hard work of analyzing requirements and preparing the response. You just need to review and adjust the final details

Faster, smarter

The first intelligent proposal writer

Write proposals faster and with more quality with the only native Portuguese tool designed especially for Public Procurement

  • Automatic summarization of all Specifications From quantities to product specifications and delivery details, everything is summarized in seconds
  • Generate the proposal with just one click Confirm the Consultation summary and simply click "Generate Proposal". In less than 3 minutes the proposal is made
  • Create templates and customize with your company details Make it even faster by creating recurring templates already containing the essential information about your company

Total security and data privacy

Tools such as ChatGPT use and retain user information in their databases, which they can then make available to other users. BidGen does not do this, it's completely secure.

  • Only visible to those generating the proposal Nothing that is uploaded or created on BidGen is shared with anyone else.
  • Securely store all your proposals in one place All the proposals you create can be saved and protected within your BidGen account
  • Access anywhere with peace of mind Through your unique login, you can access your proposals on other devices, with total security
All the features

Generate 5x more proposals

Do more with less. BidGen allows you to increase your bidding capacity and boost your sales efforts by generating proposals in minutes.

Automatic summarization of all requirements

Load the specifications and let IA work its magic

Automatic proposal generation

Based on the requirements of the Tender and your company's characteristics, the proposal is generated by AI in minutes

Proposals structured to win

BidGen's Artificial Intelligence is programmed to create proposals according to the best market practices

Customizing and editing proposals

Add your brand identity and the details you want to your proposals

Total information security

All information generated is only visible and accessible by you

Store and export any file you create

Use BidGen to create and save your bids, as well as export them whenever you want.

Automatic proposals

Start generating winning proposals within minutes, with AI

Save up to 90% of the time it takes to create a proposal with BidGen. Faster and better quality.