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Geração automática de propostas

Uma ferramenta única em Portugal que automatiza todo o processo de resposta às Consultas

  • Propostas geradas em minutos, sem esforço
  • Sistema inteligente que se adequa à sua empresa e produtos/ serviços
  • Liberte-se de horas de trabalho a redigir propostas e deixe a IA fazer o trabalho difícil
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Ideal for those who want to automate just the process of responding to Public Tenders

330 / month
  • Opportunity search with AI
  • Proposal generation with AI

Ideal for the user who has the sole responsibility of developing business in the Public Sector

490 / month
  • Opportunity search with AI
  • Proposal generation with AI
  • Identification of restricted tenders

Ideal for the user who already understands data and AI in the Public Sector and wants to revolutionize their team or business area

830 / month
  • Opportunity search with AI
  • Proposal generation with AI
  • Identification of restricted tenders
  • Qualification of Tenders
  • Sales Process Optimization
  • Advanced Market Analysis and Business Intelligence